The accused were detained by the staff of Junagadh forest division on Sunday while they were watching and harassing an Asiatic lion on the bank of the Hiran river in Mandor village on Sunday. Revenue areas are not considered part of the wildlife sanctuary. SIX Persons, including a juvenile, were held by the forest department on Monday after they were allegedly caught red-handed organising an illegal lion show in revenue area Veraval taluka of Gir Somnath district. The accused were detained by the staff of Junagadh forest division on Sunday while they were watching and harassing an Asiatic lion on the bank of the Hiran river in Mandor village on Sunday. Revenue areas are not considered part of the wildlife sanctuary. Dushyant Vasavada, in-charge chief conservator of forests of Junagadh circle, said that five of the six accused were formally arrested on Monday and produced in a court in Veraval town. Five of the six accused were identified as Aniruddha Nathani...
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